Cities of Florida

This page contains reference information about the locality name and codes of telephones of the State Florida. You can also select the desired town or city in US, the next page allows you to select the required range of numbers. To view information on a concrete phone number, use the "Search" field.
Cape Coral +1239 239
Daytona Beach +1386 386
Fort Lauderdale +1754 754
Fort Lauderdale +1954 954
Gainesville +1352 352
Jacksonville +1904 904
Jacksonville +1769 769
Lakeland +1863 863
Miami +1305 305
Miami +1786 786
Orlando +1927 927
Orlando +1321 321
Orlando +1689 689
Orlando +1407 407
Port St. Lucie +1772 772
Sarasota +1941 941
St. Petersburg +1727 727
Tallahassee +1850 850
Tampa +1813 813
West Palm Beach +1561 561
Jacksonville +1448 448